catfish19's Diaryland Diary


Probably I'm more lazy than she is busy, but...

I've been in St. Louis four days. I came at Harriet's insistence, but at the same time was really very excited to get to see her again before I go home.

I've probably seen her for about half an hour a day on average. We're talking the busiest girl I've met in my entire life here. School and homework and meetings and Tae Kwon Do - the kind of busy I'll never be. I told this to Mum yesterday, and she said, "Really? Busier than Mishal?". Really. Busier than Mishal.

I've never understood the urge to fill every second of the day or to actually be involved in things just for the sake of it. Why spend time doing something you don't have to do and don't even like doing? Or maybe she actually does like doing it all. I don't know.

But each to their own. I wish I could see more of her (mainly because St. Louis is quite possibly the most boring place I've set foot in since New Zealand), but am quite aware that she's not purposely blowing me off. It's just that when I have people to stay during term time, I honestly have about three hours a day that I'm not available. School is not somewhere I want or need to be from nine till eight. And don't get me started on homework. I don't do homework.

So, having just incriminated myself as possibly the laziest person in the world...

Things I Miss About New Zealand Boys:

- They go shirtless and shoeless in summer, no matter if they're at the beach or at the mall.

- They don't talk about their penises.

- When you watch the OC with one, he'll generally comment on how he'd like to feed Mischa Barton a pie or two, as opposed to how much he'd like to do her.

- They don't want to get married for a long, long time. Much like me.

- They don't feel the need to prove how cool they are. If one starts getting too far up himself, another will generally throw something at him, pronto. Something large and hard.

- That self-deprecating and sarcastic sense of humour they have that makes me want to jump on them.

- They don't cruise around in packs in flashy convertibles, yelling "Show us your tits" at every girl they see.

I'll get to see them again, really soon. That, I can't wait for.

9:10 a.m. - 2004-10-11


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